About Us

Islamic Voice was started in January 1987 with the intention to present Islam and the Muslim issues in the present context. To empower the Muslim community and to create a perspective to view the world from the perspective of reality and not from the dogmatic past view. It also had a vision to clear the misconceptions of Islam and the Muslims. It was started at a time when the Muslim youth were neglecting urdu and were opting for the job seeking English language. We created a team of professionals, journalist who could contribute articles, news, reports and enrich the paper on various spheres of life and current issues.

Islamic Voice was read and reread as the articles covered were of value and timeless. Readers preserved the copies for decades, appreciated, and the family waited eagerly month after month to receive the copy as it contained articles for the entire family. Islamic voice had a broader perspective and with openness invited articles from the readers and anyone who added value to the paper. Islamic Voice gained popularity and became a household name. The business community of Bangalore took on the responsibility of supporting the paper right from the inception till the last issue, March 2020, without any exceptions.

We are indebted to the business community for giving life to Islamic Voice month after month. The sudden pandemic (Covid 2019) took us by surprise that brought an end to Islamic Voice. The print issue was stopped in April 2020 after a long uninterrupted journey of not missing one issue in this 34-years journey. We have been receiving many sympathetic letters and emails to revive the Islamic Voice in print again, but the reality is our source of income is reduced to zero as the business establishments were closed. The falling readership made us to think that the present and the future generation prefer social media and not and hence we decided to redesign our old website and launch the new online edition of Islamic Voice.

We will continue to add value and also invite readers to contribute articles, stories, news, views, reports to build variety and enrich our publication that will attract readers globally. Islamic Voice is owned by the readers and the contributors, we will only regulate and manage it. View, Islamic Voice as “My paper” and not “Their’s.”

We welcome each one to alien align with our intention to contribute and enhance the quality of life of humanity in general and Muslims in particular. We will selflessly play our role with no personal agenda or hidden motives but only to seek Allah’s pleasure and expect the same from you also. We invite readers, well-wishers to contribute their talents and selfless financial support through subscriptions, donations to sustain, maintain, develop, improve and to update ourselves to the challenges of the technology revolution that is changing the world.