Category: Family and Kids

1 2 3 4 5 48 30 / 475 POSTS
Be The Bridge

Be The Bridge

“With every hardship there is ease” so goes the saying. Exams are over. What next? “What should I do?” “How to plan my holidays?” “Where shall I go?” [...]

Savoring life Blessings

Khadijah sat in the cozy lounge, biting into a warm slice of apple pie. Mariyam, her elder sister, sat across from her, sipping on her tea. They had j [...]
Rumi, a 13th-century Persian Spiritual teacher, was asked: What is Spirituality?

Rumi, a 13th-century Persian Spiritual teacher, was asked: What is Spirituality?

1. It's when we stop trying to change others and focus on changing ourselves. 2. It is when we accept people as they are. 3. It is when we understan [...]

A Bus Journey

Diana was determined to spend her vacation at her grandmother's house in the countryside. Every year, her family used to visit there together. On the [...]

Belittling Others

Don't think anyone haqeer (low) We are all faqeer (poor) Don't call anyone shaytanic Or anyone munafiq We're in need of rahmah Be covered of [...]
The Pursuit of Paradise

The Pursuit of Paradise

Once upon a time, there were two siblings named Safiya and Abdullah. They loved to go on adventures together and discover new places. One day they dec [...]

Loving Children and Respecting Self-Respect Is the First Step in Creating a Better Society

These are some of the phrases that often abused and neglected children around us hear from their parents or elders. Often people try to hide such abus [...]
Eid is for Everyone

Eid is for Everyone

Alhamdulillah, we have been blessed with another Ramadan. Many fortunate ones have welcomed Ramadan with total preparation and eagerness. They have de [...]
A Planned Ramadhan

A Planned Ramadhan

‘If you fail to plan you plan to fail’. We all have heard this quote in some setting or the other. It has mostly been used for worldly goals. But Musl [...]
Integrated Learning for Children

Integrated Learning for Children

Education is a lifelong process. We all learn till we are alive. But when it comes to children's education, it is the parent's foremost responsibility [...]
1 2 3 4 5 48 30 / 475 POSTS