Loyalty and Disavowal: A Tool for Division in the Hands of Global Powers

HomeMuslim World

Loyalty and Disavowal: A Tool for Division in the Hands of Global Powers

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In the modern world, the concept of Loyalty and Disavowal an integral part of Islamic jurisprudence has been increasingly manipulated by global powers and misguided scholars to sow division within the Muslim community. This vital principle, which traditionally emphasizes allegiance to the faith and disassociation from harmful influences, is now being exploited as a tool for discord.

Muslims praying on a Friday in Dubai, with the congregation overflowing onto the streets, serve as a poignant reminder of the unity that should define the Ummah. Yet, this unity is threatened by those who distort religious teachings for political or ideological gain.

The Jurisprudence of Loyalty and Disavowal is at a crossroads, caught between the grasp of global arrogance and the deception of those who would lead believers astray. As the Muslim world navigates these challenges, it becomes ever more crucial to discern true guidance from the misrepresentations that seek to divide.