
Muslim Orphanage – New Committee Elected

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Bengaluru: Sirajullah Khan has been reelected the chairman of the over 125 year old Muslim Orphanage, Bengaluru. Naveed Ahmed is the new Hony Secretary. Former secretary Shafiur Rahman is the new vice president.
The election to the 21-member executive committee was held on November 27. Irfan Razack, chairman of the Prestige Group was the topmost vote getter with 484 of the 592 votes that were cast. Others who were elected for the executive committee are: M. Sirajullah Khan, Feroze Abdulla, M. Ayaz Ahmed, M. Fazal Ahmed, A. M. Sharieef, Javeed Ahmed Khan, Mohammad Ibrahim, Naveed Ahmed Khan, C. Abdus Sattar, M. Moinuddin, Syed Shafiur Rahman, Sardar Ahmed Qureshi, Mohammad Ilyas, Mohammad Sibghatullah, Sheikh Shaifullah, Ziaullah Khan, Sirajuddin, Ms. Sheema Mohsin, Tazaiyyun Omar and Farida Rahmatullah.
The executive committee also elected Mr. Fazal Ahmed as Treasurer and Mr. Mohammad Ibrahim Shafiq as Joint Secretary. The committee holds office for three years.