Munich: Germany welcomed hundred more refugees who arrived from Hungary via Austria, a day after thousands were greeted by volunteers holding signs that read “Welcome to Germany”.
The most populous EU nation “ which this year expects to take in a record 800,000 people fleeing war and poverty “ has seen an unprecedented volunteer effort to help the newcomers. About 8,000 migrants crossed German borders. In Munich, refugee families holding their children and few belongings smiled as they were greeted with cheers, food and water bottles by crowds. As refugees got off trains, police directed them to waiting buses to take them to temporary shelters, which have been set up in public buildings, hotels and army barracks across the country. “The people here treat us so well, they treat us like real human beings, not like in Syria,” said Mohammad, a 32-year-old from the devastated town of Qusayr, whose eyes welled up with tears as he spoke. While Germany has seen a spate of ugly xenophobic rallies and attacks against foreigners, it has also seen an outpouring of support, donations and volunteer efforts by people who believe Germany, given its dark history and current wealth, has a special obligation to help refugees. m-welcome-in-germany/
AUTHOR: Islamic Voice
Islamic Voice is a monthly Islamic magazine published in Bangalore. It is the largest English language Muslim publication in India. It is a comprehensive magazine, places a relatively high emphasis on social issues and strives to have a broad appeal. Since 1987, Islamic Voice has covered its fascinating namesake without fear or favour, with insight, accuracy, thoroughness and a well rounded perspective on a variety of subjects - be it the economy, politics, lifestyle, the arts, entertainment, travel, science, technology or health. That's why Islamic Voice is the country's most widely read publication, a position it has held for more than a decade. And that's why it makes sense to subscribe to Islamic Voice.
We represents all Muslim sects and shades of thought from all over India. We focus on "our" triumphs which, mostly, go unreported as well as constructively addresses our failures and shortcomings.
Editor-in-Chief: A.W. Sadatullah Khan
Genre: Current Affairs associated with Muslims
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