Category: Health

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The Power of Role Modeling  in Shaping Our Children

The Power of Role Modeling in Shaping Our Children

Our true character is reflected in our children. Often, we mistakenly blame them for behavioral issues without recognizing that the solution lies in i [...]

Let’s Talk About an Abusive Mindset

Traits of an Abusive Mindset 1. Controlling Behavior A need to control others, often through manipulation and aggression. 2. Entitlement Feeling [...]
Resolving Conflicts: Lessons from the Prophet Muhammad’s Approach

Resolving Conflicts: Lessons from the Prophet Muhammad’s Approach

Disputes and arguments often arise between individuals for various reasons. They may occur when someone unintentionally mistreats another or projects [...]
Debunking Period Shame Through Islamic Teachings

Debunking Period Shame Through Islamic Teachings

“This is a thing which Allah has ordained for the daughters of Adam." (Sahih al-Bukhari, Book 29, Hadith 81). Growing up in India, I experienced pe [...]
The Qur’anic Paradigm of Self-Responsibility:  A Proactive Approach

The Qur’anic Paradigm of Self-Responsibility: A Proactive Approach

In the Qur'an, the verse “Allah would not change a favor which He had bestowed upon a people until they change what is within themselves.” (8:53) T [...]
Overcoming Depression and Anxiety  Through Faith in Allah

Overcoming Depression and Anxiety Through Faith in Allah

The root cause of depression and anxiety often stems from fear rather than belief and trust in Allah. Fears such as the fear of not having enough rizq [...]
Are you having nightmares?

Are you having nightmares?

So, what triggers them? Stress and Anxiety • A recent increase in daily stress may trigger nightmares. Examples including having a higher work de [...]
A Father Wound

A Father Wound

“The father wound refers to a household in which a father is emotionally or physically absent. Or, if the father is in the home, they are highly criti [...]
20 Common Mistakes New Parents Make  and  How to Learn from Them

20 Common Mistakes New Parents Make and How to Learn from Them

Before becoming parents, many people believe they have parenting all figured out, only to find that reality hits them hard when the baby arrives. Pare [...]
Balancing Act: Nurturing Health and Happiness in Children

Balancing Act: Nurturing Health and Happiness in Children

Health and happiness are intertwined facets of childhood, each influencing the other profoundly. As parents, finding the equilibrium between nurturing [...]
1 2 3 5 10 / 47 POSTS