

Wanted Groom

Bangalore: Sunni Muslim parents from Bangalore seek alliance for daughter, Age 29. B.E (CSE). Working. 5’4″, fair to medium skin tone. Hijabi. Contact 080 4201 3475/ 944 804 4919. Email: [email protected]

Bangalore: Sunni Muslim parents invite alliance for their daughter, Doctor, age 26 years, 162 cms, currently pursuing part B,(MRCS – U.K.), highly educated family, with moderate Islamic Values, seeking a doctor, well settled in the U.K., or Gulf, with educated family background, preferably from Bangalore. Please Correspondence us with full details /photos: [email protected]

Bangalore-based parents seeking alliance for Sunni Muslim Girl, age 22, B.A. Final Sem, religious and well cultured, looking for a Religious, Educated, well-settled groom with good family background. Contact No.974 201 7065, 991 633 7491.

Mysore: Groom wanted an Engineer from Mysore, working in San Diego, California. The girl (BE, MS) holds an H1-B visa. Parents of boys desirous of an alliance may contact the girl’s father. Contact No. 944 323 7635.

Riyadh: Sunni Muslim Bangalore-based parents, invite alliance from well educated, religious and cultured families from Bangalore or Gulf settled families for their V fair and beautiful daughter 25 years, MBA, H.R., observes hijab. Mohammed Vaseemuddin – please email or WhatsApp profiles to – [email protected], Mob -+966567957472 ( Riyadh, KSA)