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India’s Societal Challenges: Navigating Unity and Reform

‘Let us end hate and fear in the country’, urges Gujarat pogrom survivor,Bilkis Bano
Dr. Muhammad Yazin
Release of IOS Yearbook on Status of Muslim Dropouts

India’s success as a country is undeniable, yet it grapples with societal failures that threaten its stability. While economic indicators like Foreign Exchange Reserves, GDP, and Exports reflect prosperity, deeper social fractures indicate otherwise. Manmohan Singh’s policies are credited for economic growth, but the repercussions of current leadership are uncertain. Amidst societal anxiety, India’s cultural fabric weakens, with minorities feeling pressured to assimilate. Historical divisions resurface, questioning the nation’s unity in modern times.

Beyond economic metrics, societal stability hinges on values, cultural identity, and inclusivity. India, however, faces unrest among religious and ethnic minorities, with Human Rights activists often silenced. Under the present rule, minority rights are jeopardized, exacerbating disparities in education and opportunities. The Muslim identity of institutions like Aligarh University is under threat, raising questions of inclusivity and representation.

In response, Muslim leaders must unite against government actions, advocating for justice and equality. Universities like Aligarh and Jamia Millia Islamia must assert their stance, supported by students and allies nationwide. Overseas organizations must amplify these voices, urging international intervention. Collaboration with marginalized groups like Dalits and OBCs strengthens advocacy efforts.

It is imperative to address these issues before upcoming elections. Muslims must uphold Islamic principles of justice and unity, transcending divisions of language and race. By embracing collective reform and adherence to Islamic values, the community can reclaim its rightful place in India’s diverse tapestry.