Meaning of Love for the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS)


Meaning of Love for the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS)

Everything in the Heavens and Earth Belongs to God Alone
The Disease of Expectations
Muslims Boycotting Each Other

A Muslim’s love for Allah, the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS), and Islam should surpass all other attachments. True faith (imaan) hinges on this love. The Prophet (SAWS) embodies perfection, deserving our utmost affection.

Nature of Love: Allamah Nawawi defines love as the heart’s inclination towards what it finds beautiful or beneficial. Love for the Prophet (SAWS) is essential for a believer’s faith.

Qur’anic Teachings:
1. The Prophet is closer to believers than their own selves (Ahzab: 6).
2. Love for Allah and His Messenger must surpass love for family and wealth (Al-Taubah: 24).

Hadith on Love: Faith is incomplete without loving the Prophet (SAWS) more than family and possessions (Sahih Bukhari). Three types of love exist:
• Natural Love: Involuntary, for family.
• Spiritual Love: Optional, aligned with faith.
• Rational Love: Driven by wisdom.

Causes of Love:
1. Beauty: The Prophet (SAWS) was described as the most handsome.
2. Perfection: He possessed unparalleled knowledge and virtues.
3. Generosity: His acts of kindness and generosity were unmatched.

Requisites of Love: Love must be demonstrated through obedience to Allah and following the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAWS). True success lies in embodying his teachings.

Conclusion: Desiring to be resurrected with the Prophet (SAWS) requires sincere love and adherence to his guidance. “Everyone will be with those whom he loves” (Sahih Bukhari). Embrace this love to attain a noble fate in the Hereafter.

Moon Rays Trust School, Zambia, Africa.