Category: Hadith

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Why We Need Spiritually Minded Entrepreneurs

Why We Need Spiritually Minded Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship is tough, but when our intention for choosing it is social change, instead of fame and money, everything becomes easier. By Khuram [...]

The Best Table Manners

Commentary by Adil Salahi Abu Hurairah reports: The Prophet (Pbuh) never criticized any type of food. If he liked it, he would eat; otherwise he woul [...]

Patiently Facing Annoyances

Abdullah ibn Umar reports that the Prophet once said, "A believer who engages with people and is patient when he faces annoyance from them shall have [...]

Speak Good or Keep Silent

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, "Whoso believes in God and the Last Day, let him speak good or keep silent" (Bukhari, Tirmidhi) This is a very simple [...]

Staying Positive in the Midst of Turmoil

God promises us that after every difficulty is relief. We must never lose hope that our situation will improve. By Sheima Salam Sumer Recently, a [...]

Lessons from the Hadith – “All creatures are [like] a family of God”¦”

The holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "All creatures are [like] a family of God: and He loves most those who are kindest to His family." [...]

Enjoining the Good and Forbidding the Wrong

Reforming a situation requires that one analyze it with an unbiased mind and then undertake efforts to reform it through constructive planning. By M [...]

Sincere Attitude Towards Repentance

The Prophet (Pbuh) is reported to have said: "A person who repents having committed his sins is like one who has committed no sins." Every time we tu [...]

Care for Animals: Prophetic Guidance

"A man was walking on a road in scorching heat; he saw a well and went down into it to quench his thirst. When he climbed up again, he saw a dog panti [...]

Seven Things You Can Do Right Now to Live a Happier Life

A happier life starts with positive habits that you practice often. A happier life also revolves around our purpose to please and worship God. By Sh [...]
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