Category: Hadith
The Prophet’s Gentle Manners in all Situations
Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) was very caring and gentle even to those of his companions who slipped and violated Islamic rules.
Commentary by
Adil Sal [...]
Man’s Greatest Enemy is His Ego
If you wish to be treated well, treat others well; if you wish that people should be just and fair to you, first be so yourself to set an example.
Man [...]
Prophet Muhammad’s Sermon on Ramadan
Prophet's Guidance: Ramadan
A Sermon on the Last Friday of Sha'ban on the Reception of the Month of Ramadan.
"O People ! Indeed ahead of you is the bl [...]
Do Not Miss Your Suhoor Meal
The Prophet (Pbuh) used to have suhoor. At times, some of his companions joined him for his suhoor meal. Zaid ibn Thabit, a young companion of the Pr [...]
How Fasting Sets Higher Standards
Preparing for Ramadan
Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
Fasting is a shield. Let no one who is fasting [...]
Smile to Make Your Children Happy!
Happy Childhood: A Child Speaks
Dear readers and educators, the more a parent is cheerful, the stronger his or her relationship with his children wi [...]
A Believer’s Attitude during Difficult Times
The Prophet said: "Nothing befalls a believer, a (prick of a) thorn or more than that, but Allah will raise him one degree in status thereby, or erase [...]
Islam Is Easy, Don’t Make It Difficult
Islam advocates a middle course in everything. This includes the way Muslims follow God's commands, the way they think about God and the way they inte [...]
Humility and its Virtues
Abdullah ibn Amr said: "The Prophet (Pbuh) once visited me, so I gave him a pillow (to sit on) made out of skin and filled with date palm fibers. The [...]
Dua: Practical Spirituality
By Sameen Tahir Khan
Everyone desires something in life; health, wealth, good spouse, children, a good job. There is a 24-hour hot line available t [...]