Category: Hadith
Falsehood is a Grave Treachery
The Prophet (Pbuh) is quoted by his cousin, Abdullah Ibn Abbas (RA), as saying: " Do not be too argumentative with your brother, and do not promise hi [...]
Some Inspiring Hadiths of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
A man once requested from the Prophet the use of a camel. The Prophet replied, "I can loan you a camel's baby." "What use to me is a camel's baby?" [...]
Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) Lived an Austere Life
Anas says: "I entered the Prophet's (Pbuh) room when he was reclining on a couch whose material was weaved with a string. Under his head was a pillow [...]
To Practice What We Preach
In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful
The Prophet's wife, Aisha, says of him: "God's messenger was never offered a choice between two alte [...]
What’s Good Parenting All About?
What more damage can parents do than to spiritually cripple their child so badly that it ruins its life in this world and in the life after death, too [...]
“Cheerfulness” Hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) encouraged us to be cheerful in many hadiths. He (pbuh) taught us to be happy and to spread happiness to others:
1. Ab [...]
The Prophet’s (Pbuh) Farewell Pilgrimage
On the ninth day of the Prophet's (Pbuh) Hajj, the pilgrims proceeded to the Plain of Arafat to stand on the Mount of Mercy. There they stood and pray [...]
Fasting on the Day of ‘Arafah
Abu Qatadah reported that the Messenger (Pbuh) said: "Fasting the Day of 'Arafah expiates the sins of two years: past one and coming one.]
Hazrath Ais [...]
Reflections on Holistic Health
A healthy human being is someone who enjoys good health at all three levels of our being"physical, mental and spiritual.
By Yoginder S. Sikand
Who [...]
Triviality of this Life
It is reported by Abu Saeed Al-Khudri: "The Prophet came and sat on the pulpit. He said: 'A certain servant of God was given a choice that he would ge [...]