Category: Politics
Cong-JDS Alliance: Flop Show
Electoral Analysis : Karnataka
An acrimonious alliance between the Congress and the Janata Dal Secular proved to be its undoing in the LS poll.
A Resounding Mandate for NDA
General Election-2019
A ragtag opposition was no match for the well-oiled machine of the BJP. Besides, it lacked a counter-narrative.
By [...]
Ten Key Pointers from the Verdict 2019
"¢ The BJP's victory is shell-shocking for all those who hoped for its decline, but not surprising.
"¢ Congress feared it would be reduced to a [...]
Key Contests
General elections 2019 for the 243-member Lok Sabha are currently on. A cursory look at key contests and contestants is quite in order. Here we take [...]
Caste Dominates, Attrition Afflicts both Alliances
Bihar Electoral Scene
With Nitish's credibility heavily dented and RJD showing open bias against uppercastes, people are looking for alternatives [...]
Alliance makes BJP Sweat for votes
Uttar Pradesh Electoral Scene
Though the entry of Priyanka Gandhi has upped the Congress prospects in Uttar Pradesh, there seems to be an internal [...]
UDF and LDF to Slug it Out
Kerala Scene - LS Election in Kerala
But the BJP is trying to grab at least one seat and increase its voteshare.
Polling for the 20 LokSabh [...]
Decoding Owaisi’s Aurangabad Foray
Lok Sabha Elections 2019
The MIM is out to expand its footprint outside Telangana.
The AIMIM will be on familiar territory in Aurangabad. E [...]
Alliance to take upon Formidable BJP
Lok Sabha Elections 2019
Congress-JDS Alliance has not been without friction, but has stayed in place and gives them a slight edge.
By A Staff [...]
Shrinking Political Space
By Maqbool Ahmed Siraj
Will the Muslim representation in the 17th Lok Sabha go up? This question may [...]