Category: Soul Talk
Harmony is Religiousness
Those who have imbibed the essence of religion in their lives will never take to violence, however great be the provocation, as they know for sure tha [...]
Qualities to Cultivate
Every virtue that we are to develop in ourselves through our actions towards others has its origin and perfection in God.
"Let us turn again to the Di [...]
Being the Truth
"Truth is simple. But for the very reason that it is simple, people will not take it; because our life on earth is such that for everything we value, [...]
The Hundred Letters
Here are some portions from Paul Jackson's English translation, from letter number 97, on Death:
Hazrat Sharafuddin bin Yahya Maneri (b. 1263), also [...]
A Daily Meditation on Obstacles
The journey through life has many valleys that we can't
just skip over, and also many mountains to climb that
we can't just jump over. It is also tru [...]
Mind Your Feet, Forget Your Heart – An Illustration of the Predicament of Muslims
How many times has anyone had the experience of being advised before the start of the prayer to focus his thoughts on the prayer and avoid being distr [...]
A Graceful Acceptance
Most people feel they are treated unjustly, because they struggle to surrender and accept God's Will for them.
By Nigar
Some days ago, my friend S [...]
Blindness is Bliss
The Blind expect only understanding and empathy from the sighted people, and not arrogance and sympathy.
By Azeem Bolar
When I first became blind, [...]
The Walk in the Dark
I found the inner joy that I could not enjoy when I was sighted. I became non judgmental, and blindness taught me to be proud of what I had achieved.
From Earning Big Money to Earning Big Blessings!
My transition from being a hotelier to a counselor was a spiritual journey for me. Being a giver, brought a feeling of inner peace and joy, as opposed [...]