
Graduation Day at HKBK College of Engg.

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Bengaluru: The 15th Graduation Day was celebrated on 23rd May 2015 at the campus of HKBK College of Engineering for the outgoing B.E/MBA and M.Tech students. 496 students graduated out of the portals of HKBK College of Engineering this year. They were presented with mementos and certificates. Mr. C.M. Faiz Mohammed, Director, HKBK Group of institutions congratulated the outgoing students . Chief Guest Prof. B.P. Dakshayani ““ Head, Orbit Dynamics Dvn. FDG, ISRO Satelite Centre addressed the gathering and shared her experiences with the outgoing students. Dr. T. C. Manjunath, Principal, HKBKCE ,administered the Oath to the students and Mr. Manzoor Ahmed Khan, Secretary, HKBK Group of Institutions was present during the occasion