
Green Valley National School and P.U. College, Shiroor, Udupi Dist.

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Need for Value Education

Empowering Young Minds to be Leaders of Tommorrow

“It is a greater work to educate a child, in the true and larger sense of the word, than to rule a state.” William Ellery Channing.

This quote by one of the greatest Theologians of United States, bears testimony to the significance of education. It is one great tool  that holds the key to success in life. Nevertheless education has been on top of the agenda of the government which is ceaselessly striving to see that every child is entitled to quality education. The private sector too has been a driving force in the educational sector  assuring education of the highest standards right from primary education. Undivided Dakshina Kannada district is rightly considered the Mecca of Education with its host of private educational institutions each carving a niche of its own. With the passage of time, residential schools too are gaining popularity with more and more parents coming forward to enroll their kids to such schools which  promise “complete and all-round development of the child.” The Green Valley National School and PU College located at Shiroor in Kundapur taluk of Udupi district is one such school which has made its mark through its sheer dedication to serve the educational  front and deliver the very best. Established in the year 2001, under the aegis of the Shiroor Welfare Trust, this institution has since then been constantly gliding the scale of popularity through quality education of the highest standards. It is considered a School with a  Difference for its efforts in imbibing true national ethos in the students while imparting modern education with a holistic approach. True to its Motto “Virtue Alone Ennobles” the institution has been ceaselessly striving to impart knowledge along with noble virtues and skills to make the children face the challenges of the competitive world. Affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi and Karnataka PU Board, the coeducational residential school boasts of a 10 acre sprawling campus at the picturesque locale of Shiroor, on the National Highway 66. The institution boasts of highly qualified teaching faculty who are resourceful, well trained, qualified and dedicated and above all the pride of Green Valley. With excellent infrastructural facilities, well equipped state-of-theart laboratories, full-fledged libraries and well ventilated rooms, the school offers a great learning experience to its students, while moulding them into responsible citizens of the land. By attaching equal importance to both curricular and co- curricular activities, the school makes education a joyful experience that facilitates the growth and transformation of young minds. The school has almost everything which a parent would look for while admitting the child. Be it care, concern and commitment,  esthetic ambience and right environment for learning. The institution offers the right course, syllabus and curriculum which enhances not only the IQ but also the EQ of the students, in a healthy environment, and above all the child will also receive quality  supervision, personal attention and support which it requires the most. While strict discipline is ensured in the classrooms and the campus, the institution also ensures enough freedom for the students by making them responsible in their actions. It’s indeed a school that has set  standards of excellence in education based on the rock solid foundation of the vibrant heritage of India. The School not only concentrates on the gentle unfolding of the total personality of children, but also ensures academic excellence. The school upholds the objects of promoting among the students enhanced value of integrity, honesty, hard work and morality which will have lasting effect  n their character formation. The endeavour at Green Valley is to make education challenging, attractive, enjoyable, and purposeful. Intelligence, initiation, innovation and intuition represents the quintessence of this institution. That’s the speciality at Green Valley School, a choice of thousands aspiring for quality education.