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Photography – Related Terms فوٹوگرافی سے متعلق اصطلاحات

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Aperture: A circle-shaped opening in a lens (a hole, really) through which light passes to strike the image sensor or the film.
(کیمرے کاسوراخ جس سے روشنی داخل ہوتی ہے)
Card-reader: – A digital memory card reader used in transferring data, including downloading of image files from a camera’s removable media card, to a computer drive.
(ڈیجٹل ڈرائیو سے کمپیوٹر میں فوٹو منتقل کرنے کی ڈوائس)
Enlargement: A photographic print in which the scale of an object is larger than the same object in the negative, or a digital image that is larger than the camera’s image sensor.
(کیمرے میں قید اوریجنل عکس سے بڑی امیج)
f-Number: A number that expresses a lens’ light-transmitting ability – i.e. the size of the lens opening, its aperture size. Usually found on the barrel of a lens, f-numbers indicate the size of the aperture in relation to the focal length of the lens,
(کیمرے کے لینس کی روشنی منتقل کرنے کی صلاحیت جو ایف۔نمبر سے ظاہر ہوتی ہے)
Focusing: Adjusting a lens’ elements in relation to the film plane so as to obtain the required sharpness in the image.
(لینس کو گھما کر عکس کو واضح کرنے کا عمل)
Flash Memory Card: A camera’s removable image storage device.
(ڈیجٹل کیمرے کی ڈرائیو جس پر عکس محفوظ ہوتا ہے)
Frame: generally refers to the boundaries or sides within which a picture is contained. 
(تصویر کا چوکھٹا)
Grain: Minute crystals of silver halides in the light-sensitive emulsion of film that react when exposed to light, turning black, are called “grains.”
(فوٹو کے ترکیبی ذرّات)
High Resolution: Images that contain an enormous amount of detail and that will provide the highest quality print are said to have high resolution. High resolution files are very large, often containing a million or more pixels.
(تصاویر جن میں تفصیلات واضح ہوں)
Lens: Lenses have two primary functions: one is to focus light with as little distortion or aberration as possible on to film or sensor. The other function is to control the amount of light hitting the film by use of its aperture.
(عدسہ جس سے عکس بنتا ہے)
Polaroid: Polaroid cameras would print the photos instantly. It was launched in 1972. These need not be developed in a lab. In 2001, the company went out of operation as digital photography eroded its market. The Polaroid Corporation was founded by Edwin Land in 1937.
(پولرائیڈ کیمرے سے تیار شدہ پوزیٹیو تصاویربر آمد ہوتی تھیں۔ ڈیجٹل فوٹوگرافی کے آنے کے بعدیہ کمپنی 2001 میں بند ہو گئی)
Photojournalism: Illustrated newspaper where photos were used extensively.
(باتصویر اخباری صحافت)
Shutter Speed: The shutter is the part of the camera that opens and closes to let light in and take a picture. The shutter speed is how long that shutter stays open, written in seconds or fractions of a second, like 1/200 s.
(شٹرکے کھلے رہنے کا وقفہ)
Viewfinder : That’s the hole one looks through to take the picture. Some digital cameras don’t have one and just use the screen, but all DSLRs and most mirrorless cameras use them.
(کیمرے کا شیشہ جس سے منظر کا احاطہ ہوتا ہے)
ISO: The ISO determines how sensitive the camera is to light. For example, an ISO of 100 means the camera isn’t very sensitive””great for shooting in the daylight. An ISO 3200 means the camera is very sensitive to light, so you can use that higher ISO for getting shots in low light. 
(کیمرے کی حسّاسیت کا معیار)
Zoom lens : Any lens that has variable focal lengths such as a 24-70mm or 18-55mm. You zoom in or out by rotating the barrel of the lens.
(وہ لینس جس سے دور کی شئےپرعکس کو مرکوز کیا جاسکتا ہے)