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Terms related with Health and Treatment (صحت و علاج سے متعلق اصطلاحات)

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Abortion: Ending the pregnancy either by medicine or surgery before the baby is born.
(اسقاطِ حمل)

Allergy: Reaction to certain things such as some kinds of food, or pollen, itch, rash or breathing problem. (الرجی،تیزحسی)

Amnesia: Memory loss. Not being able to remember.
(بھولنے کی بیماری)

Ambulatory Care: Medical services provided on an outpatient (non-hospitalized) basis. Services may include diagnosis, treatment, surgery, and rehabilitation.
(ایمبیلیٹری دیکھ بھال)

Aspirin: A medicine commonly used to relieve pain and reduce inflammation; used at the first signs of heart attack to prevent blood clots. (درد کشا گولی)

Biopsy: A small sample of tissue that is usually surgically removed so it can be tested for diseases.
(ٹیسیو یا نسیج کے مشاہدے سے مرض کا پتہ لگانا، حیوی تشخیص)

CVD: Cardiovascular disease, i.e., diseases of the heart (cardiac muscle) or blood vessels.
(قلبی امراض)

Catheter: Also called a urinary catheter, it is soft tube that is inserted into the bladder to allow urine to flow out. It is sometime put in before or after surgery, to get a urine sample to test for infection.
(جسم سے سیال نکالنے کی نلکی)

Diarrhoea: Frequent, very runny bowel movements. (دست)  

Laxatives: A group of medicines which can help relieve constipation by promoting a bowel movement. (قبض کشا دوائیں)

Hypertension: High blood pressure. (بلند فشارِ خون)

Hypotension: Low blood pressure. (بلڈ پریشر کم ہونا)

ICU: Intensive care unit-where very seriously ill patients are looked after in a hospital.
(یونٹ برائے انتہائی نگہداشت)

Morbidity: The state of being diseased; ratio of persons who are diseased to those who are well in a given community. (حالتِ مرض)

MMR: measles, mumps and rubella ““ refers to the vaccination given for all three diseases.
(چھوٹے بچوں کو دی گئی ایک مشترکہ ویکسی نیشن)

Mortality: The number of deaths occurring per the number of units in the population at risk for the occurrence (e.g., per 100,000 population); death rate.
(موت، اموات کی شرح)

Pneumonia: Inflammation of the lungs caused by an infection. Can be caused by a variety of organisms, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
(پیپھڑوں کی سوزش،نمونیا)

Primary Care: Basic or general healthcare traditionally provided by doctors trained in: family practice, pediatrics, internal medicine, and occasionally gynecology. (ابتدائی علاج)

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan: A painless test that uses a strong magnetic field to get clear pictures of specific body parts, such as the brain or stomach. The patient lies in a special machine like a tunnel.
(جسم کی مقناطیسی مصوری برائےتشخیص)

Cardiologist: Heart specialist.
(دل کے امراض کا ڈاکٹر)

Dermatologist: Skin specialist.
(جلدی امراض کا معالج)

Gynaecologist: Doctor specializing in disorders occurring among Women.
(خواتین کے امراض کا ڈاکٹر)

Haemotologist: Specialist related to disorders related with blood.
(خون سے متعلق امراض کا معالج)

Hetpatologist: Specialist related with Liver disorder.
(جگر (کلیجہ) سے متعلق امراض کا معالج)

Oncologist: Cancer specialist.
(کینسر یا سرطان کا معالج)

Pulmonologist: Specialist related with lung disorders.
(پھیپڑوں سے متعلق امراض کا معالج)

Pathologist: Specialist identifying disorders through cells and tissues.
(سیلس(خلیات)یا نسیجوں(ٹیسیوز) کے مطالعے سے امراض کو پہچاننے والا ماہر)

Paediatric: Child specialist.
(بچوں کے امراض کا ماہر)

Urologist: Mahir e Ilmul Baul, Peshab ki naliyon ka mualij
(ماہرِ علم البول، پیشاب کی نالیوں کا معالج)