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Amazing Life-Changing Experiences in America

Transformative Insights: A Journey from Struggle to Joy
Being a People Pleaser is a Burden! Drop it, and Please God!
Clearing Cobwebs

The “Discover Yourself” Workshop was held in Atlanta, St. Louis and Los Angeles in May 2013.
Some of the participants share their thoughts about the Workshop.

* It is par excellence and I think you are doing a good job.
* There are no words-“Subhanallah”.
* Yes, this is so life changing.
* It is essential for all Muslims.
* Eye opening because of real life examples.
* It is a great way to discover your identity.
* It is very interesting and extremely useful.
* Great life lessons.
* It is very encouraging and enlightening.
* I can deal with life in a new way.
* The workshop was one of the best and most useful.
* It is very helpful, inspiring and brings out love and compassion.
* I am glad Allah gave me a chance to rediscover myself.
* It is very very useful, very valuable, motivating, brings peace and spiritually uplifting.
* Loved the Islamic perspective on how to discover oneself.
* I have not heard or seen anything like this in my life time, hopefully I am a better Muslim now.
* My understanding about “who am I?” is clear now. Either, be your word or your ego.
* My Iman and Islamic values increased.
* Now we need this education to bring a revolution, continue this good work.
* It helped me to re-enforce the key concepts and to understand my reactions and responses to others.
* I feel empowered in being able to express my worth, values and for what I stand for to anyone and in any situation.
* The workshop has definitely brought a new dimension and is reassuring that we need to change ourselves instead of expecting to change others.
* A pleasantly blunt manner to make us aware of our short comings.
* The workshop made me to understand that my life’s problems can be solved.
* Lot of powerful yet simple concepts were broken down and explained which made them easy to understand.
* It cleared my confusion.
* I can now actively choose to have peace in my life.
* Cool new perspective on relationships.
* Overall very interesting and worth my time.
* It is helpful, easy to understand and brought change in my way of life.
* It was very useful, informative and brought peace within me.
* It taught me how to practically implement Islam in our relationships.
* I will say keep up the good work, a lot of brothers and sisters need your help.
* Go ahead and come more often to Atlanta.
* It makes you to think in a different way.
* An eye opener, it librates you, and it connects to you (real self).
* The workshop provides excellent tools for forgiving all relationships.

S.C: It opened my eyes. I will use this workshop and the tools I gained to positively evaluate the way I treat myself, my family, friends and people I interact with. It gave me hope on how to move forward with certain aspects of my life with more peace. My perception and my view of other people’s actions changed. I am going to give up my pride and forgive myself and others. Please continue this work. May Allah give you strength to continue and reward you.
N.R: It is the best workshop I attended. I am giving up my ego, short tempered behaviour and habit of spending money when I am bored. I will cover my awrah and be comfortable wearing the hijab.
O.A: I really enjoyed attending the workshop with my husband. We both had deep conversations afterwards. May Allah help us internalize, maintain and implement the knowledge and advice of Mr Khan. May Allah reward him and bless his work. I will stop judging people. I will see people as human beings and not as objects.
A.S: It made me to think and focus to be truthful and choose a way Allah wants and not the way I think. Before taking any action it made me pause for a minute and ask myself whether is it beneficial or not. I will stop judging people.
S.S: I have practised some skills which were taught, letting go off the past feels amazing. I feel everyone should and must attend it.
A.A: This was the first time we could come as a whole family, my husband and children and I consider this as a new beginning in our lives- Jazakallah Khair.
Z.R: I learnt how to connect to Allah. I think that the workshop is a blessing because I am a new Muslim.
N.A: I used to see things in a negative and from right and wrong view. I had built veils about others in my mind. But I have learned to remove them. There was nothing wrong with them; I chose to see the bad instead of focusing on the good in others.
M.F: Definitely it was an amazing experience to rediscover myself and eventually to improve my life, thus improving everyone’s in my immediate family first and extended family later, Inshallah. Subhanallah, the possibilities are endless if only I can lift the veil of ‘denial’.
S.A: I lived a normal life, but now my perspective of how the world is has changed. I am willing to give up judging people.
S.T: My veil has been removed and I can see things clearly and also learnt values, positive thinking and not to judge.
A.T: This workshop opened the door of Islamic Values, Increasing my Iman, belief, family values, and to be thankful to Allah. Respecting the young and old and accepting them as they are.
KEVEN: The workshop was great! It affirms for me many timeless concepts, to stop the chatter of the mind, which is the result of the ego. The workshop reminds me of the benefits of others and to look at others openly.