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Aasra Distributes Scholarships to Orphans, Physically-Challenged Students

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Bengaluru: Aasra, managed by Tanzeem-ul Mohsinath, a Muslim women’s organization, organized a scholarship distribution programme on October 21, at Shadaab Shadi Mahal on Tannery Road. While presenting a report on the activities of Aasra, Mrs. Sajida Begum, President of Aasra, stated that this year, 400 students, right from Class 1 to graduation, were awarded scholarships. Many of them are orphaned and physically-challenged. The programme brought together parents, students, social activists, educationists and intellectuals. Zameer Pasha, former IAS officer, S.M. Zulfikar, CEO, Karnataka Wakf Board, Father Martin, head of labour and migration department, Indian Social Institute, Mohammed Ilyas, Treasurer Wakf Board, and Aseema Parveen, former Principal, Abbas Khan College for Women, were among the guests of honour on the occasion.
Tanzeem-ul-Mohsinath was started by a group of Muslim women in 1991 with a prime focus on imparting education and values of Islam to children and women. Aasra was set up to guide and serve such Muslim women who face domestic and other forms of oppression, by providing them free counseling and legal and other necessary help. It also runs a free short stay home for such women. Aasra has a toll-free helpline number (1515) for women in distress. Aasra’s Family Counselling Centre can be reached at 25479968/8050907706 (Sajida Begum). www.aasramohsinath@org aasra.mohsinath@gmail.com