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Donating Blood, 40 Times

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“A man never stands as tall as when he lies down to save lives by giving blood.” This is the philosophy which has guided Shaikh  Sadaqathullah, who has been a voluntary Blood Donor since 1993 and his blood group is A1B Negative (Rarest Group – 1% in the world  population). So far, he has donated blood 40 times and since his blood group is very rare, he cannot donate in a blood camp, but  to  the patient directly. The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Chairman, R. Nataraj, IPS, and Dr. Mayil Vahanan Natarajan, Vice Chancellor, The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, presented a Certificate of Appreciation to him on the occasion of World  Blood  Donor Day on 14th June 2012, at The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Guindy, Chennai. Sadaqathullah is also secretary,  Kayalpatnam HAM Radio Society, trustee – Kayalpatnam Medical Trust Hospital and member – Tamil Nadu Haj Service Society,  Chennai.  For more details, visit his website, www.sadaqathullah.com/blood.html. Email: sadaqa@hotmail.com.