Tamilnadu Muslim MunnetraKazhagam (TMMK) Extends Relief Efforts During Chennai Floods

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Tamilnadu Muslim MunnetraKazhagam (TMMK) Extends Relief Efforts During Chennai Floods

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In the wake of Cyclone Michaung wreaking havoc across Chennai and its neighboring regions, the Tamilnadu Muslim MunnetraKazhagam (TMMK), an Islamic organization, swiftly responded to provide relief. Despite persistent waterlogging and power outages in the city, TMMK mobilized its efforts to aid the affected populace.

Heavy rains triggered by the cyclone inundated several localities, including Velachery and Tambaram, compelling residents to seek refuge in safer zones, often traversing through flooded streets while carrying their children.

Under the guidance of President Dr. M.H. Jawahirullah, MLA, TMMK members proactively engaged in the flooded areas, distributing essential supplies and food to those in need, demonstrating a steadfast commitment to community service. With a 28-year history, the organization has been a pivotal force in assisting various natural disasters, notably extending substantial support during the Chennai Michaung Floods.

One poignant incident unfolded when TMMK members valiantly rescued a distressed mother and her five-day-old infant, trapped amidst rising floodwaters. Their selfless intervention ensured the safe evacuation of the mother and child from their inundated home.

During critical moments, TMMK members transformed their backs into makeshift ladders, facilitating the rescue of women and elderly individuals stranded on upper floors and guiding them into safety boats with unwavering dedication and success.

The organization’s relief efforts spanned across the Chennai district, delivering medical supplies, food essentials, and pre-cooked meals, catering comprehensively to the diverse needs arising from the catastrophe.

TMMK’s illustrious history in Tamil Nadu is distinguished by a legacy of service, boasting a fleet of over 202 ambulances, and receiving the Blood Donation Donor Award from the TN Governor for their commendable blood donation initiatives. From the 2004 Tsunami to the 2015 Chennai Floods, their consistent service shines brightly, adding yet another chapter of benevolence during the 2023 Chennai Floods. Above all, TMMK remains a beacon of social harmony, extending unwavering support to affected communities, irrespective of their religious or ideological affiliations.