This has reference to the essay “Change or Perish” by M.A Siraj (IV August 2014). If one goes through the earlier history of Islam, it says that during the first 80 years after, the passing away of the Prophet (Pbuh), nearly 80% of the civilized world was under the control of Muslims. It was also the period, when renowned scholars, administrators, military generals and businessmen were in plenty. Only in the later years, when multiple interpretation of Quranic verses and unauthentic Hadith, and personal views of the religious scholars were introduced, because of political interference and worldly greed, things became complicated, leading to degradation of the Ummah. This sorry state has continued to the present times. Writing articles and giving big speeches can create can awareness, but it certainly does not change the conditions of the Muslim society, unless, Islamic teachings are practised, as was the case in the early period of Islamic history. As the Quran says: ” O who you believe why you say that which you do not do. Certainly most hateful in the sight of Allah is that you say , which you do not do (Sura 61:2-3). Thus key to progress is the practice of the Islamic fundamentals with sincerity and devotion.
Akhtar Mahmood
206 /40-A Chandigarh,
AUTHOR: Islamic Voice
Islamic Voice is a monthly Islamic magazine published in Bangalore. It is the largest English language Muslim publication in India. It is a comprehensive magazine, places a relatively high emphasis on social issues and strives to have a broad appeal. Since 1987, Islamic Voice has covered its fascinating namesake without fear or favour, with insight, accuracy, thoroughness and a well rounded perspective on a variety of subjects - be it the economy, politics, lifestyle, the arts, entertainment, travel, science, technology or health. That's why Islamic Voice is the country's most widely read publication, a position it has held for more than a decade. And that's why it makes sense to subscribe to Islamic Voice.
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