The Key to Pleasing the Creator: A Path to Divine Happiness


The Key to Pleasing the Creator: A Path to Divine Happiness

Islam Never Supports Religious Intolerance
Should a Muslim Follow a Particular Madhab?
True Believers are Distinguished from Liars!

I asked, “How can one keep Allah pleased?” He smiled and in a gentle voice said, “Pleasing Allah is the easiest thing in this world. It’s as simple as turning on the AC with a remote control or changing the TV channel. But understanding how to do it is the difficult part.”

I was puzzled and asked, “You said it’s easy, but now you’re saying it’s difficult? I don’t understand.”

He smiled again and replied, “To grasp this, you must first understand the psychology of the Creator.”

I asked, “What do you mean by the psychology of the Creator?”

He replied, “Have you heard of Edison?”

I quickly responded, “Yes, he invented the lightbulb and the railway signal system.”

“Exactly! I want to share a story about him. One day, as Edison was walking through the market, he saw a lantern maker cursing his invention. The man blamed Edison’s lightbulb for rendering him and his family jobless. Edison, unable to tolerate this insult to his creation, got into an argument with the man. It escalated to a physical altercation, and the police had to intervene. Despite Edison being known as a calm person, this incident was true.”

He paused briefly, then continued, “This small event reveals the psychology of every creator. Every creator is sensitive about their creation. They may tolerate personal insults but not disrespect toward their creation. You’ve seen artists, writers, poets, and musicians they are always fond of those who appreciate their work. If you praise a poet’s work, he won’t let you leave his company. This is the psychology of a creator.”

I listened attentively as he explained, “Every creator shares two things: they love hearing praise about their work, and they cannot stand insults to it.”

Growing restless, I asked, “But my question was about how to please Allah, not the psychology of creators.”

He smiled, looked at me with a wise gaze, and asked, “What happens when Allah is pleased with someone?”

I admitted my lack of knowledge and requested an explanation. He responded, “When Allah is pleased with someone, He grants them ample provision, peace, happiness, and expands their dominion. But when He is displeased, these blessings vanish prosperity declines, peace disappears, happiness fades, and everything falls apart, whether it’s a home, a business, or even a nation.”

He continued, “Allah is the greatest Creator, and humanity is His most beloved creation. Until a person loves Allah’s creation, Allah will not be pleased with them. And if Allah is displeased, that person’s provisions, happiness, peace, and authority will not grow.”

He elaborated further, “Look around the world. The countries that respect their people, ensure their rights, and protect their dignity are the ones thriving with prosperity, peace, and expansion. On the other hand, countries that disregard human dignity, where the rich grow richer and the poor poorer, are left begging at the doors of wealthier nations.”

He paused before adding, “Now, extend this principle beyond just humans. In countries where even animals, trees, rivers, and mountains are cared for, those countries advance rapidly. There, oppressing a helpless person or cutting down a tree is a crime. Allah is pleased with those nations, and thus they progress.”

Listening intently, I realized the depth of his words.

He concluded, “To please Allah, you must love and honor His creation, especially the needy, the helpless, and the marginalized. When you do so, Allah will be pleased with you, and your provisions, peace, and happiness will increase.”

I asked, “Is this philosophy only applicable to nations and rulers? What about ordinary people like me?”

He smiled and emphasized, “Allah’s laws are universal. Whether you’re an ordinary person or a ruler, Allah expects the same from everyone. If you want to please Allah, draw close to the needy and the helpless. Share your happiness, peace, and provisions with them, and Allah will do the same for you. This is a simple and effective formula.”

He gave a practical example, “Go outside today and feed someone hungry. By the evening, you’ll find that your own provisions have increased, and you’ll experience relief from your troubles. Try it once. When you please Allah, you won’t need to seek the approval of worldly powers.”

In essence, the Creator loves His creation deeply and has commanded us to care for it. As the Qur’an states:
“Righteousness is not turning your faces toward the east or the west, but righteousness is in one who believes in Allah, the Last Day, the Angels, the Book, and the Prophets and gives wealth, in  spite of love for it, to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveler, those who ask [for help], and for freeing slaves.” (Al-Baqarah: 177)

“Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him, and to parents do good, and to relatives, orphans, the needy, the near neighbor, the neighbor farther away, the companion at your side, the traveler, and those whom your right hands possess. Indeed, Allah does not like those who are self-deluding and boastful.” (An-Nisa: 36)

“But he has not attempted the steep path. And what can make you know what is the steep path? It is the freeing of a slave or feeding on a day of severe hunger an orphan of near relationship or a needy person in misery.” (Al-Balad: 11-16)

Let us follow this divine path, serving Allah’s creation to attain His pleasure and success in this world and the hereafter.

(Extract from: