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TALE TIME Taha Finds a Faithful Friend

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Loving and taking care of his pet made Taha realize he wanted to make a livelihood caring for the animals in some way when he grew up.

By Shahin Ashraf Ali
Taha was a mild mannered, sensitive and loving young boy. His parents adored him. Teachers at his school praised him and said he did well in studies. His classmates liked him for he always helped them in any way he could. Perhaps you may think such a boy would have at least one faithful friend. But Taha had none. One night he cried in his father’s arms, “Baba why did Allah make me lame? I do not have a single faithful friend who will slow down to keep pace with me at play or while walking to school and back”
Baba explained to Taha as best as he could that Allah has good reasons for everything that happens. We should keep our faith firm and a time will come when we will be grateful for whatever happened.
One day, Rana Saab, an animal welfare officer, came to live in Taha’s village. “He is someone who has the authority to make sure animals are not ill treated or abused by anyone. If he catches a mean person kicking or throwing stones at a harmless animals on the road or birds in the trees, he may teach them a good lesson. Rana Saab has rescued many stray dogs, cats and other animals from torture and keeps them as pets.” Baba explained.
“The grocer said Rana Saab has asked him to find a villager who is interested in adopting a recently rescued puppy.” Baba informed Ammi.
“Please, let us adopt the puppy!” Taha implored.
Ammi looked unsure. “It would really be nice to have a pet at home. But it is a big responsibility. We have to feed it, exercise it, groom it, clean up if it makes a mess around the house, protect it and take care of it in many other ways, throughout its life. If Baba and you help me with its care and keep, we can bring home the puppy,” Ammi said.
“I will help Ammi,” promised Taha. Baba too agreed to help.
Taha and Baba went to Rana Saab’s farmhouse to bring home the puppy.
“I am happy to know you want to adopt a stray puppy, young man, but having a pet is a big responsibility.” Rana Saab told Taha.
Taha smiled and nodded. Rana Saab went indoors and returned carrying the puppy in his arms.
“Choo chweet!” exclaimed Taha as he excitedly limped towards Rana Saab.
As if the little puppy and Taha were long lost friends, the puppy sprang out of Rana Saab’s arms and jumped into Taha’s outstretched ones!
And ever since then, Taha has had a faithful friend. His best friend never lets him feel left out or alone. Loving and taking care of his pet made Taha realize that he wanted to make a livelihood caring for the animals in some way when he grew up. And guess what? In a few years’ time, Taha became the best veterinary doctor in the region!
Trust that Allah has good reasons for what happens in our lives.