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A Part of Me Refused to Die gives a behind-the-scenes look at the circumstances that many women suffer in silence. It is a story of survival and success, patience and perseverance, resilience and redemption.

A Part of Me Refused to Die
Author: Nisha Sulthana
Publisher: Niyah Press, Detroit, Michigan
Year: 2016

Reviewed by Nigar

Each of us has a story to tell””the story of our lives, stories of experiences, good and bad, sad and joyful, humorous and serious. Our life is a bundle of experiences, and it is up to us whether we want to share these with the outside world or let them go or keep them safely in our cupboards.
Nisha Sulthana’s “A Part of Me Refused to Die” is a bold autobiographical book which shakes you, saddens you at times, and creates awe and respect for the author, and, in the end, leaves you wide awake to reflect on the purpose of our lives! The author, loved deeply by her three sons and seven grandchildren, was born in South India and has lived in America for the past 20 years. Her passion for travelling has taken her around the globe, but truly, her home remains her universe.
A student of history and political science from the University of Calcutta, she does not boast of any special skills or qualifications, except a keen interest in the world around her. Free spirited and bubbling with enthusiasm despite the many snags in her life, Nisha believes in herself and the Universal Spirit, God.

Accept Our Destiny
A Part of Me Refused to Die is a book that makes you realize how greatly blessed every human is, despite all the hardships we may face. No matter what problems we may face, this book teaches us how and why we should not only wholeheartedly accept our destiny but also why we must be thankful, peaceful and do the best we can under any circumstances.
The book is set in the late 1960s, when Nisha is married to a distant cousin at age 16, a common practice in her village. She is excited about what she thinks might be the prospects of her new life. Quickly, however, that excitement gives way to despair as she discovers her husband’s secret obsession. Through trials, betrayal, abuse and manipulation, she is tested in almost unimaginable ways. Clinging to her faith and her children, she emerges from darkness, thankful for every humbling event that brought her to her Lord.

Women Suffer in Silence
A Part of Me Refused to Die gives a behind-the-scenes view of the horrific circumstances that many women suffer in silence. It is a story of survival and success, patience and perseverance, resilience and redemption. Despite the trauma she has to face, Nisha emerges with undiminished faith and a shining spirit, a testimony to the triumph of the human spirit.
Every one of us faces our own types of “abuse”, both inflicted on us by others and by our own selves. Nisha’s story of resilience is one that will remind you that God is always in control and you have the power to alter your condition.
Throughout the recount of her marriage ““ beginning at 16 and spanning nearly five decades””Nisha reminds us never to lose hope, whatever the situation. We all have within us the strength to not only overcome but also to triumph over seemingly impossible situations. It is all about attitude.
It is all about sticking to inviolable principles, that in our speed to satiate desires lie forgotten. It is about reclaiming our true selves. It is about realizing that events occur for a reason. It is about finding meaning in them. And we have the power to overcome, if we take the Invisible Power as our ally.
True success takes time. There cannot be true success without Him. What the modern man calls luck is actually a favour from God. It is within reach for everyone. We just learn how to earn it! These are some thoughts that the book leaves us with.
The author pulls you into her book with her spontaneous narration. Do read it and reflect on your purpose of life in this fleeting world!
(Nisha Sulthana can be reached at [email protected])
(You can order the book via Amazon).