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Filling the ‘Void’ with Spiritual Intelligence

Rafale Deal
Sufism, Sufi Poetry, Vedanta, Guru Granth Sahib, Hinduism, Theosophy and Philosophy
Mapping Political Deprivation

This superb little motivational book encourages us to contemplate on our own life. It stops us in our tracks, making us to question if running after fame and wealth is the real purpose of life.

7 Steps to Spiritual Intelligence

By Musharraf Hussain
Published by: Kube Publishing Ltd,
Markfield, Leicestershire (UK)

Reviewed by Nigar

How do we develop a spiritual life? How do we evolve spiritually so that we can live by the universal spiritual values of Islam? This little book tells us how to come closer to God in seven steps through genuine seeking of God, discipleship of a spiritual director, learning and understanding spiritual intelligence, simplicity and contentment, striving to practice, remembering God and praying to Him and self-inspection and self-control. Based on lessons from the Quran, the life of the Prophet (pbuh), the teachings of Sufis and years of practical experience in instructing young people, Musharraf Hussain provides a contemporary and highly accessible way to understand and apply Islamic teachings to spirituality. The author is the Director of the Karimia Institute in Nottingham, a leading British Muslim organization which works on a number of projects, ranging from community development to interfaith work. He is head of the Nottingham Islamia School and has served as President of the National Christian-Muslim Forum.

A noteworthy human characteristic is curiosity about the mysteries of nature, about our own self and about the big questions of life: Where have I come from? Where am I going? What is the meaning and purpose of life? Spiritual intelligence provides the most convincing and practical response to these questions. This handbook, based on spiritual wisdom drawn from Islamic texts, aims to explain simply and rationally the nature and scope of spiritual intelligence and its key elements. The purpose of spiritual intelligence is to gain a deeper understanding of God, thereby attaining peace of mind. It is to renew the heart so that one begins to live with God.

In affluent societies, both East and West, surveys show that many people are unhappy. The apparent joys of consumerism, consumption and material wealth in the affluent society mask the shallowness of worldly life. Increasingly, people are acknowledging and recognizing that there is something far greater and more satisfying than fame and wealth. That something is spirituality, the journey to deeper layers of meaning and purpose in life. And that’s what the book seeks to encourage readers to recognise.

This superb little motivational book encourages us to contemplate on our own life. It stops us in our tracks, making us to question if running after fame and wealth is the real purpose of life. It opens the doors of our hearts and minds to reflect on a truly meaningful life””one devoted to serve God and humanity and all other beings. With all the many challenges the world is faced with today, this book is a must-read, to revive our hope in God and to heal our own selves and radiate positivity around us, which can only happen if we grow in spiritual intelligence.