Category: Global News and Affairs
Muslim Prisoners: Victims of Poverty
A recent TISS report reveals that poverty and illiteracy are the key factors for the large population of Muslims in jails.
A recent report by two sch [...]
Is India a Failing State?
A Round Table Dialogue was held in Bangalore on April 28 on "Is India a Failing State: Is there an Alternative?" It was organized by the Karnataka In [...]
Marine Life Facing Extinction
Human depredations on the sea have led to extinction of several large sea animals such as whales, sharks, rays, dolphins and turtles. Some of the anim [...]
Dinosaur with Tiny Arms unearthed in Argentina
Argentine experts have recently discovered the near-complete remains of a new species of Jurassic-era dinosaur that stood on its rear legs and had ti [...]
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Microplastics' can kill pelicans, fish, and other wildlife that mistakes them for food. All of those hastily discarded plastic water bottles start to [...]
Global Warming : Interview with Neeraj Jain
'Rise of Sea Level will Gobble Up 50 Major cities'
Neeraj Jain is a social activist and is one of the founders of the Lokayat, an activist group ba [...]
Conference on Refugees in the Muslim World
Jeddah: The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is organizing, in cooperation with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), a [...]
OIC TV Channel to Counter Islamophobia
Libreville, Republic of Gabon: The 57-member Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has announced its plan to establish a satellite channel and pro [...]
9th All India Muslim Educational Conf. in Jaipur
New Delhi: The All India Muslim E d u c a t i o n a l Society is organising its 9th Educational Conference " Iqra 2012, on 5th and 6th May in Jaipur. [...]
Some Progress, Some Concerns
Inclusive growth has emerged as the key theme of the Planning in the country in the wake of high degree of inequalities. The Right to Compulsory and F [...]