
A Big Thank You To Team Islamic Voice!

Beware of Fake News
Mounting Intolerance
Compassion Towards Teenage Traumas

The president, secretaries and the managing committee of Azam Baitul Maal is immensely happy to see the good appreciation of activities of Azam Baitul Maal which was published in the August 2016 issue of Islamic Voice. Our sincere thanks to the full team of Islamic Voice for the report which has enhanced the image of Azam Baitul Maal, and we hope to come up to the expectations of the community. We would like to thank Maqbool Ahmed Siraj for his excellent presentation of “Nuqush-e- Rah”-the 40 years story of Azam Baitul Maal.
Prof Riaz Ahmed
Secretary, Azam Baitul Maal