
HKBK College of Engg. Bangalore

Campus Round up 2015-16
Maulana Azad University, Jodhpur
Prize for Designing Low-wind Turbine

New M. Tech Courses from New Session

By A Staff Writer

Bangalore: The HKBK College of Engineering will be introducing new courses such as Civil Engg., M.Tech. (CSE / ECE / ME) from the current academic year.  For the coming academic year, the institute plans to enhance its intake for Civil Engineering branch and  Computer Science Engineering branch by 60 seats, new research centres in ECE, Mechanical engineering along with new M.Tech. courses in Computer Science, ECE and Mechanical engineering branch and the same has been applied to both AICTE-New Delhi and VTU-Belgaum for necessary sanctioning.
A new administrative building with six floors housing MBA, administration, library, R and D centers, Internet browsing center, Stores, Seminar and conference halls, equipped with CCTVs was started.  New canteen and cafeteria block was started for the employees and students of the institute.
A full campus security with RFID has been introduced at all the three entrances of the institute with face recognition system. An Edusat Centre worth Rs. 3 lakhs was opened with support from the VTU Belgaum for the distance learning programs.  Grant of Rs. 20 lakhs was sanctioned from Vision Group of Science and Technology, Government of Karnataka for the M.Tech. (Thermal) Lab.  Project Grant of Rs. 11.53 lakhs from VSSC-ISRO for the chemistry department and a research project from department of science and technology worth Rs. 33 lakhs to the civil engineering department was sanctioned. 
The institute completed 15 years of imparting engineering education in the year 2012. A total workforce of more than 250 employees are working in the organization.  Currently, six under graduate BE courses admit 540 students every year, while four PG courses admit 114 students.