
Short-Term Residential Opportunities for Research Scholar

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Short-Term Residential Opportunities for Research Scholars on Interfaith Relations and Contemporary Understandings of Islam
The Henry Martyn Institute (HMI), Hyderabad, is an ecumenical Christian institute committed to promoting inter-community dialogue, understanding and reconciliation between people of different faiths, with a particular focus on Islam and Muslim-Christian relations.
The HMI invites applications for short-term residential opportunities for scholars who wish to work on a research project related to one of the following areas:
1. Inter-Faith/Inter-Community Relations in Contemporary India
2. Islam, Muslims and Inter-Faith Relations
3. Contemporary Expressions/Understandings of Islam
4. Religion, Peace and Dialogue
5. Religion, Secularism and Modernity
6. Religion, Peace and Conflict
Selected candidates will stay on the HMI campus for a period between 1 and 3 months, during which they can use the HMI’s library facilities to gather material for their project, interact with staff and students, and, if possible, deliver a public lecture.
Applicants should send a CV, a sample of 2 published works, a brief note about why they are interested on writing on the issue they have selected and the significance of their proposed project, and two letters of recommendation (including one from their present employer, in case they are employed). They should also indicate their length of proposed stay at HMI and what form their proposed project would take””it could be a book, booklet, an academic article, a series of journalistic articles, translation of a text, etc..
Please email your application-related materials other than samples of your published work to [email protected] [Please mark it as ‘Application for Short-Term Research’] Please post two samples of your published works to
The Coordinator
Academic Department
Henry Martyn Institute
6-3-128/1, Beside National Police Academy,
Hyderabad-500 052
Andhra Pradesh
Telephone: 040-24014258/ 040-24014231
The proposal should be sent in English, although we welcome projects that will be written up in any Indian language. Applications can be sent throughout the year.
Selected candidates should submit a copy of their final work within six months of the completion of their stay at HMI.
HMI will provide selected candidates free access to its library, a single room with attached bath in its well-equipped hostel on campus (located adjacent to the office/library building), subsidized boarding and the opportunity to interact with staff, students and local scholars and institutions in Hyderabad. The HMI library has a rich collection of almost 30,000 books, mainly in English and Urdu, mostly on Islam and Muslims, but also on other religions and communities, as well as over 100 periodicals, mainly in English and Urdu.
Fee: Rs. 2000 (two thousand only) per month, including boarding and lodging.
Anyone, irrespective of religion or gender, can apply.
Applicants should have at least an MA or else a BA plus fazilat from an established madrasa. Preference will be given to applicants with experience in working for inter-community dialogue and harmony.
For more details about the HMI, please visit our website:www.hmiindia.org