
Sir Syed Essay Writing Competition-2013

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Aligarh: The Aligarh Movement monthly magazine and the Millat Bedari Muhim Committee (MBMC), Aligarh, will jointly organise the Sir Syed Essay Writing Competition-2013, on the ‘Importance of Sir Syed Movement in the 21st Century’ for school, college and university students on 6 October, 2013 at Aligarh. Secretary of MBMC, Jasim Mohammad said that the main aim of the competition is to make youngsters aware about the life and work of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, founder of the Aligarh Muslim University. He said that the competition is open to students of any school, college and university. The competition will be held in two sections. In first section, students of class 8th to 12th will take part, while the students of Graduation to Research, will fall in section 2. They may write the essays in Hindi, Urdu or English .Interested Students/Institutions can register at: Media Centre, 15-16, (1st Floor) Muzammil Manzil Complex, Dodhpur, Aligarh, before 1st October 2013.