Significance of Eid-ul-Fitr

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Zakat -ul- Fitr

Muslims celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr on the first of the lunar month of Shawwal. This festival is an expression of thanks-giving to Allah the Almighty for His grace in enabling His faithful servants to observe the fasting month of Ramadan, besides the daily Tarawih Prayers, recitation of the Qur’an and works of charity.
The following things have been prescribed to be done on Eid-ul-Fitr;
1. To rise early in the morning.
2. To brush the teeth.
3. To have bath for Eid after the Fajr Prayer.
4. To put on the best available dress.
5. To give away ‘Eid Charity (Zakat-ul-Fitr) before departure to the Eid ground.
6. To reach the ‘Eid ground as early as possible.
7. To pronounce the following Takbir on the way in a low voice.
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar
Allah is greatest Allah is greatest
La-Ilaha ill-Allah
There is no God but Allah
Wa-Allah-u Akbar, Allah-u Akbar
and Allah is greatest Allah is greatest
and all praise is for Allah.
Regulations Relating to Eid Prayer
1. If a person misses the Eid prayer, he cannot offer it individually, for the ‘Eid prayer is conditioned upon congregation. Similarly, if the prayer of a person who joined in the congregation is invalidated due to some reason, he cannot offer it later as a missed prayer, nor is it incumbent upon him to do so. However, a few persons who have missed the prayer can get together and offer it if they so desire.
2. There is neither Azan nor Iqamah for the Eid prayers.
3. Women and the men who cannot offer the Eid prayers due to some reason, should not offer any voluntary prayer before the Eid prayer.
4. The Ahle-Hadith scholars maintain the view that women and children have been enjoined to attend the Eid prayer, because the Eid, like the Friday prayer, is a special feature of Islam, and the holy Prophet (Pbuh) himself has exhorted the women to go to the Eid ground.
5. The recitation in the Eid prayer is to be audible.
Regulation concerning the Eid Sermon
1. The Eid Sermon is Sunnat in nature, but listening to it is wajib (obligatory) for the audience.
2. The sermon should be delivered after the prayer, Hadrat Abu Sa’id says; “The holy Prophet (Pbuh) would first of all offer the Fitr Prayer; then he would stand up facing the people who kept on sitting in their rows and he would instruct them in religion. After this he would return home”. (Bukhari, Muslim)