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Billboard Campaign in Florida Dispels Misconceptions on Islam

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Jacksonville: Presenting the true message of Islam, a new billboard campaign has been launched in Florida’s most populous city of Jacksonville, to correct misconceptions surrounding the faith and offer reliable answers to those seeking more information about Islam. Launched by the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), the national campaign erected three Islamic billboards bearing “Who is Muhammad?” throughout Jacksonville. Reaching out to more than 500,000 people per week, the campaign aims to answer questions about the faith through its hotline. Muhammad Ilyas, the regional president of the ICNA said that volunteers have received thousands of calls since the erection of the billboards last month. “I think if we change our criteria on how we judge people, that’s how we can establish justice,” says Ilyas. Similar campaigns were initiated in different US cities where 80 billboards have been erected to dispel myths about the religion.
ICNA is one of the largest, non-profit, Muslim organizations in North America with many projects, programs, and activities designed to help in reforming society at large.