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Muslim Groups fight for Church’s Right to use the word Allah

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By Anisah Shukry
Kuala Lumpur:
Christians are not alone in their struggle to use the word “Allah” in Malaysia, as Muslim non-governmental organisations (NGO) have taken it upon themselves to educate fellow Malays that the word predates Islam. Muslim NGOs, such as Sisters in Islam (SIS) and the Islamic Renaissance Front (IRF), have taken to social media to spread awareness on the issue, bringing with them views that are a far cry from the threats and exclusivity espoused by groups such as Perkasa and Isma. “Yes, it is possible for Muslims to voice their support (for the Christians), and Muslims have been doing that ““ most visibly on social media. There’s been an outpouring of voices who have critiqued the Federal Court’s decision (on the Allah issue),” SIS programme manager Suri Kempe told The Malaysian Insider. “SIS has also been using our social media channels as a platform for discussion, which is essential for people to understand the issue and formulate an opinion.” On its Facebook page, SIS shares articles and quotes that run contrary to the rigid views of Islam most Malaysian Muslims are accustomed to.
One quote it shared was by Tunisian human rights lawyer Alya Chammari, a Muslim, who said: “Religion should not be used by any political party. No one has the right to present themselves as the spokesperson of God.” But IRF chief Dr Ahmad Farouk Musa told The Malaysian Insider that their efforts to support the Church’s right to use “Allah” was an uphill battle, as most Malaysian Muslims had been taught from young, only one interpretation of Islam, without making efforts to take part in intellectual discourse.