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Muslims, Most Diverse Religious Group in America

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Washington: A 2014 study by the Pew Research Center (PRC) showed Islam to be among the most diverse religions in America, just behind Seventh Day Adventists. In a recent research that examined 29 different religious affiliations and five racial and ethnic groups, Hispanics, non-Hispanic whites, blacks, Asians and a category of mixed-race Americans and other races, Islam is ranked as having the second most diverse group of members. Pew categorized their findings on a 10-point scale in the following way: The more diversely populated the religion, the higher the number. This means, a religious group made up entirely of one race would get zero, while one comprised of equal parts of all five categories would get a 10. In this case, Islam scored an 8.7, meaning no more than 40 percent of any group comprised the Muslim population. Black, white and Asian Muslims make up an equal quarter or more of the American Muslim community.