An Audio-Visual presentation on Tourism  in Saudi Arabia was held in Bangalore


An Audio-Visual presentation on Tourism in Saudi Arabia was held in Bangalore

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Bangalore: Karnataka State Haj Organizers Association organized the first-ever audio-visual presentation on tourism in Saudi Arabia, jointly with the Saudi Tourism Authority in Bangalore, on Thursday, 25 November. The event was attended by hundreds of participants, including a 5-member team from the Saudi Tourism Authority’s office in India, Janab Rizwan Arshad MLA, Janab Zameer Ahmed Khan MLA, Janab N.A. Haris MLA and Janab Abdul Azeem Sahib (Chairman Karnataka State Minorities Development Corporation) delegates from Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh. Kerala and Telangana, entrepreneurs, business representatives of several travel organizations from all over Karnataka, mass media, and members of civil society.
The event opened a new chapter in the relations of India with Saudi Arabia in the services sector. Janab Shafi Ahmed, General Secretary, Karnataka State Haj Organiser’s Association, welcomed the gathering. Janab Iqbal Ahmed Siddique saheb, Chairman of Karnataka State Haj Group Organizers, spoke on the multiple benefits from tourism in the country’s development and the scope of tourism possibilities in Saudi Arabia. He also drew attention to India’s excellent relationship with Saudi Arabia, particularly the nearly 3 million Indian workers and their valuable remittances to India. He pointed out Saudi Arabia’s role as the leading supplier of crude oil to India and trade and investments between the two countries. A spectacular audio-visual presentation was followed by comments from Mr. Anand Menon and the Saudi Tourism Authority team, which showcased the variety of tourist spots in the desert, sandy undulating dunes, silver shine beaches, cities like Jeddah, Taif, Yanbu, etc., with iconic architectural and historical landmarks
The presentation was followed by lively questions from the audience and answers from the Saudi Tourism Authority team. The event ended with a dinner and vote of thanks by Janab Shoukath Ali Sultan, president of Karnataka State Haj Organiser’s Association
Saudi Arabia hosts every year lakhs of Haj and Umrah pilgrims from India. It is worth mentioning here that the Haj was suspended in 2020 and 2021 because of the pandemic. Haj will be resumed next year, and the Haj Committee of India has notified the process of Haj application for the next Haj, I.e., for the year 2022. In this connection, Karnataka Ha] Group Organizers Association advised pilgrims to exercise caution in joining private haj group organizers, as Haj quota to private Haj Group Organizers (Haj Group Organiser’s) has not commenced. Pilgrims have been asked to check the background, credentials, and trustworthiness of the HGO s and only get their names registered with them for Haj 2022 without any financial commitment because of the high risks involved. Karnataka State HGO Association will help with information on registered HGO’s.