
Free Homeo Clinic in Bangalore

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All common ailments like colds, coughs, fever, minor injuries, etc. can be easily dealt with by just keeping a few homeo remedies at hand.

By Salma Mashood
Health is a choice it is a gift you can choose to give yourself. It is important , therefore , to consciously adopt a healthy lifestyle.
As rational, thinking human beings, it is our duty to take care of ourselves first before we try to help others. By looking within, you can easily make out what could have upset you. It may be the food that you ate yesterday or the stress that has built up in your mind on account of having to finish a lot of work in a short time. Just look for the cause. Giving yourself some quiet time will save you many miles on your road to health. You are NOT being selfish if you do that you are actually making yourself a better person, a good human being!
Many , many self-help methods exist today which can be easily tapped upon to accomplish your goal. Homeopathy is one such healing method. The little pills are easy to take, and work equally well on human beings , young or old. All common ailments like colds, coughs, fever, minor injuries, etc. can be easily dealt with by just keeping a few homeo remedies at hand.
One major advantage of alternative medicine is that there are no side effects in case the medicine does not help you, it will not harm you either. It is also extremely cost effective your entire family can regain their health without having to spend a fortune on doctors and hospitals.
Do come to our free homeo clinic in Bangalore, Soham Centre, where we teach Homeopathy and can also give you guidance on Acupressure ,Yoga , Diet Control and many such natural healing methods. We are located in the premises of the Women’s Indian Association, M.M. Road, Cox Town, Bangalore and function from 4 – 6 in the evenings.
For details, contact, Soham Centre
C/O W I A Tennis Club
M.M. Road ( Near Fraser Town Police Station )
Timings : Mondays and Thursdays , 4 – 6 pm
Salma Mashood: 080-25596785 or 94828 48636 or, Mrs. Chandrika Kuttan on 95350 64694 [email protected]