
UK Home Secretary Joins Muslims and Jews for Sadaqa Day

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UK Home Secretary Theresa May joined Muslims and Jews for a day of charity, inspired and partnered by Mitzvah Day. Marking a Muslim-led day of social action””Sadaqa Day, Theresa May joined members of the Jewish and Muslim communities in London, to cook for the homeless. The team of 14 cooks delivered their three course meal to a community centre, in one of many events across the UK. The Home Secretary said: “This event, and hundreds like it around the country, shows how coming together can help us create resilient, cohesive communities.” The Jewish-Muslim friendship group ‘Unity’ also marked the day, packing and donating items for a charity, assisting refugees in Borehamwood, where they packed items including socks, clothing, toothbrushes and stationary. They also supported the Jewish-Muslim Women’s Network Nisa Nashim for their project, funding and packing lunches for the homeless at Stanmore Mosque. Unity project coordinator, Radha Dudhia said: “Working together in this way on social action initiatives is really important and means a great deal to our members. We are able to build understanding and friendship between our communities whilst helping those in real need.”
Sadaqa Day, which was started in 2015 by Julie Siddiqi was inspired by Mitzvah Day, a Jewish-led day of social action. Siddiqi said: “People rose to the challenge with those of all ages, and all backgrounds, joining in and creating a great buzz.” Mitzvah Day founder Laura Marks said: “Sadaqa Day is a gift for the Jewish community. It provides another day for Jewish/Muslim engagement.” Mitzvah Day’s interfaith chair Daniela Pears said: “It is a privilege for Mitzvah Day to partner with Sadaqa Day, which offers both Jews and Muslims another opportunity to get together through a mutual desire to help those in need around us”.
(For more details, seehttp://www.jewishnews.co.uk/home-secretary-joins-muslims-and-jews-for-sadaqa-day/)