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Calming the Soul

Schedule of Discover Yourself Workshop
Madurai Memories! – When You Are Peaceful, You Can Spread Peace!
Soul Searching in Serene Srirangapatna!

The Discover Yourself Workshop was held in Hyderabad on 10,11 and 12 August 2018, and organized by Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, (JIH), HRD (Telangana Zone) Hyderabad ““ at Jewel Banquets. Some of the responses of the participants:

  • The workshop really helped me to deal with my problems, especially relationships.
  • This is a workshop where animals enter, and leave as human beings.
  • It is a lesson for life; everyone should get it before, the life itself teaches it in a hard way.
  • It helped me to love people more without being judgmental and not keeping grudges. It gave me tools to control my mind.
  • It helped me let go of my past in which I was stuck, forgive and submit to Allah’s will. The workshop teaches you that Islam is a way of life.
  • It touched me in ways it never clicked before. I have attended many workshops, but nothing was like this. Alhamdulillah, I will ever be grateful to Dr Sadathullah Khan.
  • It is very useful beyond my words, exclusive, easily understandable and excellent way of explaining. I must say, Sadath Sir has a dynamic, technical and artistic way which attracted the participants from within to fully commit themselves to live and apply what they learnt in the workshop.

My Pledge
“If I have come out to this world from the womb of my mother, a restricted place, and have been freed, then why do I want to be webbed and censor my freedom again, to the misguidance of my mind’s direction ,which strongly involves Satan’s whispers or interpretation. I do not let my mind chain my heart, let my heart guide and rule my mind for the benefit of humanity . I do not sell my pure real self in the cheaper hands of assumptions, opinions, judgments, and interpretation, while I am blessed with the faculties of understanding .
My total submission with patience should be with my Creator alone who shows the straight path and has promised to deal with any circumstances smartly with ease. And I respect from the core of my heart Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) and I pray to Allah to make His Sunnah easy for me! Ameen! There after, my soul and body remain free and enjoy the true happiness till the end of my life . And then I certainly enter into the opened doors of eternal and blissful abode of Jannah , there in, I rejoice forever Inshallah.
This is the true word of Allah”¦. to be connected with the Most High”. (Razia)

AFIFIA: Before the workshop, I was like living in a world of hopelessness because of certain situations in my life. Although I am studying psychology for four years, but all my possible actions were leading me to negativity. After attending the workshop, I got a totally different view of life; it was because of Dr. Khan I got new ways to make my life better. I am very much thankful to him and would like to attend many more workshops.

FIRDOUS: Life before the workshop was a selfish one and I was living in my world and not willing to accept my faults. After the workshop, I realized my faults and how to overcome them. It helped me be affectionate towards the little ones and love them the way they love me back. My dad has been the happiest, I have ever seen him happy because of the change within me. This experience of participating in the workshop could change everyone’s life.

QUDSIA: Before the workshop, there were many questions in my mind regarding my life, my relations, my behavior, etc. which triggered the peace of mind and kept me in a lot of stress. But now Alhamdulillah, I have got my answers and know how to have a different and positive approach to the worst situations in my life related to family, friends, myself, and many other things. It helped me to become broad-minded and social, and it helped me to calm my soul and have peace of mind.

MAHMOOD: I was blank about this workshop. However, it was completely different as it focused on the practical and not on the knowing. It brought me closer to Allah. I will share my experiences with others, and soon I like to be a trainer of the Discover Yourself workshop.

RAHMAN: Best experience. I am enlightened about life now, Alhamdulillah. Earlier my mind was controlling me, and I was full of reactions, reacting and attacking rather than distinguishing the situations. I learnt to use the heart and to control the mind.