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Coming Out From Falsehood to Reality!

The Journey of Self-Discovery: Sadath Khan’s Transformative Mission
Purification of the Soul in Islamic Tradition
Some Top International Trainers and Coaches Share Their Views About the Discover Yourself Workshop

The Discover Yourself Personality Development Workshop was held by Dr Sadathullah Khan for the BET Sadathunisa Degree College girls on 19, 20 and 21 August, 2016.
(Organized by: Bismillah Education Trust, Bismillahnagar, Gurappana Palya, Bengaluru, Karnataka.)

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Around 170 students participated in the Workshop and some of them share their experiences.
Wonderful Soul searching workshop. It is fully spiritual and motivational to start a new life.

  • I changed my way of life towards submission, got connected to Allah and I live to seek Allah’s love.
    All the people on this Earth should attend this workshop.
  • It helped me to come out from falsehood to reality and find myself lucky and blessed to be here.
  • I had the fear of coming up in front of people and speak, after the first day session the fear disappeared.
  • I am really happy to attend this workshop as it is helping me in my life, home, and college too.
  • It helped me in clearing up all the ‘NO’S’ and ‘CANNOT’ from my life and to live a life that Allah wants us.
  • A beautiful gift that changed my life.
  • I have learned to have patience in every moment of life and my parents are happy with me.
  • It was just amazing, thanks to sir, he was fabulous and awesome.

A. TAJ: Before the workshop, I was comparing, judging and having wrong opinions about others. I had lots of burden and tension in life. My life was complicated. But after the workshop I discovered a ‘NEW ME’ and I submitted my life to Allah and accepted the reality. I stopped asking the questions like why me? And I used to always compare my life with others, I stopped this now. This workshop changed my life and attitude. Now I am in the present and my ego is dead.
NAHID: Before the workshop, my life was in darkness, revolving around the false things, not able to see the real me. After the workshop I am able to distinguish between good and evil, truth and false, and now I know the purpose of my life. Now I know who Allah is and what he wants from His human beings and who actually a human being is? I am able to see the real world and will reach the goal to seek Allah’s love, that is all, nothing else a human being needs.
SHAZIA: First of all I would like to thank you. Before this workshop I was very rude to others and I would not forgive the people easily. By attending this workshop I really changed myself, it helped me to come out of that negative behavior.
SAKEENA: My life was boring before the workshop. I was very much busy with mobile phone, or TV, I was not concentrating on my studies and was living in the past with lots of anger. Now I have started to be responsible and now able to take control of myself and my anger. Thank you so much sir, for coming to our college and hosting this workshop.
AMRIN: I didn’t expect that my problem which I was facing from a long time can easily be solved. Thank you so much for showing the way to solve all our problems in life. I will never think of the past or the future, just enjoy the present and serve humanity. I have no words to describe this workshop, it is a beautiful gift that changed my whole life.
LUFNA: Well, Before I was very sensitive, very frustrated. Now I have got confidence that nothing is impossible, to achieve our goals without negativity. I will be responsible and not dependent on anyone. Thank you for helping me to overcome all the negativity.
SUSHMA: I am very glad that I attended this workshop. I never thought this workshop will improve my life style and my way of thinking. I am very much benefitted from this workshop. Sir, you are a very good coach and your talk is very useful for people to overcome all their troubles in life. I changed myself to be responsible.