Discover Yourself Concepts are the Most Effective  and the Simplest Solution to the  Epidemic of Loneliness and Depression

HomeLife and Relationship

Discover Yourself Concepts are the Most Effective and the Simplest Solution to the Epidemic of Loneliness and Depression

Weaving Positive Energy and Positive Thoughts!
Practise the Tools

I attended the Discover Yourself Workshop which was held in Dallas on the 18thand 19th of November 2023 at HEB Islamic Centre, Euless, Dallas, USA
Ayesha Nikhat

This workshop came at a time when I needed healing and guidance to deal with a dozen challenges such as the loss of loved ones, moving to a new place, remarriage, pregnancy, pursuing PhD and my business career goals while trying to practice my deen.

This workshop proved instrumental in boosting my spiritual health, subsequently benefiting my mental and emotional health, and improving my academic performance, relationships, work efficiency, and overall well-being.

I was restlessly searching for answers and was making desperate prayers. At the beginning of the workshop, I was full of uncertainty and despair. However, by the end of the second day, my questions disappeared, helping me shift from thehuman world of duality to the world of unity.

I found peace in being aligned with Reality and it is a beautiful, new beginning for me. Being accountable and in submission moment to moment has helped me break free from the cycle of anxiety, micromanaging, shutting down, and getting depressed.

The workshop helped me see my blind spots and made me acknowledge the need for personal transformation instead of wasting my energy on changing what is not in my control. The most beautiful realization for me is that submission leads to the disappearance of problems that were never there in reality but were created inside my head. It became clear to me that resistance causes persistence as I keep carrying and projecting my unresolved feelings. Solutions often lie outside the comfort zone, and it is truly wonderful how Sadath Sir facilitates this transformation.

Learning to communicate from ‘LA’ is the greatest victory for me to defeat my ego triggers. Being grounded in humility, identifying the self-deception game, and being able to rise above my personal demons is the greatest transformative experience that I wish I could find early on in life. I highly recommend this workshop to those who are sincerely seeking transformation and committed to living a life in alignment with the will of Allah SWT.

“I highly recommend this workshop to those who are sincerely seeking transformation and committed to living a life in alignment with the will of Allah SWT, and the Ten Days DYS Leadership Development Program.”

The workshop provided practical insights on improving relationships with Allah, family, spouse, children, siblings, in-laws, and colleagues. I feel fulfilled in my relationships. The Discover Yourself concepts are the most effective and the simplest solution to the epidemic of loneliness and depression.

I hope to continuously attend these workshops and practice the distinctions to sustain these positive results and not go back to the default mode of behavior – action, reaction, right, and wrong, which is very easy to slip back into as we deal with individuals in the toxic world. This inside-out approach that is rooted in Emaan (faith) has increased my resilience, helps me be conscious of my falls, and reduces the frequency of my falls.

The distinction between animal consciousness and spiritual consciousness has helped me transcend personal reality to embrace the Absolute reality and strengthened my connection with Allah.

The Talibul Akhirah mindset helps me keep a check on who I am being, and this is truly liberating and gives beautiful outcomes for me even though I am not self-seeking. I am grateful to Sadath Sir for doing this important work of helping us become aware of our blindness and showing the true way of life that promises success, happiness, and peace in both this world and the hereafter.

For decades, I have struggled to break free from the personal stories and opinions that dis-empower me and consequently, drain those around me. I never realized how disconnected I was from Allah’s reality because of my point of view which led to suffering inside and around me. I am able to see others with eyes of love and accept them for who they are, thereby radiating love and happiness around me.

I am extremely grateful for being able to identify my true enemy, Shaytan, and for being saved from the flames of anger, hatred, and envy that turn friends into enemies. I was merely surviving but after the workshop I’m energized to truly live as a human being in spiritual consciousness, manifesting excellence in all areas of my life.

I recommend everyone to attend this workshop repeatedly and the Ten Days DYS Leadership Development Program.