HomeLife and Relationship

Learning the Art of Empowerment

A Super Beneficial Workshop!
Letting Go of Depression in Darbhanga!
Coming Out of Our Shells in South Africa

The Discover Yourself “Train the Trainers Workshop” was held in Bangalore from August 3 to 10th, 2014. Participants share their experiences after the Workshop.



  • One stop solution for a beautiful life.
  • Life is a journey of happiness and sorrow; we need to deal with reality.
  • It helped me to understand how my mind, if not controlled would destroy the whole world around me.
  • The workshop is useful to change the life from Muslim to Momin.
  • Understood the basic concepts to live in peace. Extremely useful.
  • I identified myself and found an eternal way of life in this world.
  • I have become a transformed human being who can create a future of my own and care for others, and live Allah’s way of life.
  • An eye opener for me. Now, I see everyone in this world as my own family (brothers and sisters) irrespective of colour, creed and religion.
  • The workshop brought out pointed clarity in distinguishing ‘Huq and Batil’.

Around 18 participants were selected from Middle East and India, from among those who had already done the basic Discover Yourself Workshop, for a residential one week “Discover Yourself Train the Trainer” advance course. The intention of the workshop was to impart an depth knowledge of the principles, values and laws of life from the Islamic perspective and to develop the ability in soft life skills to empower oneself and to empower others, to make a difference to humanity.
Some of the participants share their experiences after the course:
ANIS: Alhamdulillah! This is the best workshop of my life. By the end of the workshop, life looks simple. No need to study volumes of books to attain happiness. Although I was struggling to keep Shaitan’s influence away from me, now I got very simple tools to keep myself away from his influences. Psychiatrists, psychologists, and medicines, everything can be kept away from our life, if we follow the simple values we learnt here.
KAZI: Alhamdulillah! The search for truth starts from this workshop, which has made me distinguish what is Reality and Falsehood. It is the beginning of a new journey and a rise of leadership in me. The things which I thought to be real were just illusion and it was my own world of denial. Alhamdulillah! The world of reality which we and I specifically found, is amazing and I felt the most beautiful feeling, the essence of Jannah. A hope of victory from Duniya itself has impregnated from my heart.
KHALID: Extremely useful and effective workshop. It has given full clarity about the concepts and boosted my confidence to a great extent. My greatest achievement is that I became confident in distinguishing between ‘Huq and Batil’ , ‘Good and Evil’. It has helped me to come out of the world of self deception, right and wrong, and blame game. Inshallah, now I will live a life of a true momin and bring others from darkness to light.
BASEER: The workshop transformed me to differentiate between ‘Huq and Batil’ (Truth and Falsehood). Islam is the religion of purity and I should purify my soul and spirit. I declare to be responsible, loving, caring, accountable, trustworthy, and compassionate and make a difference to humanity.
HABEEB: The true values of Islam are not in the doing, rather than one has to manifest Allah’s attributes by ‘Being’. The workshop served as an important point in my life, enabling me to transform, and develop the ability of discrimination. Using the tools acquired from the workshop will help us remain continuously vigilant on oneself. The workshop has enabled me to gain exposure and experience the tools first hand, and direct interactions with the coach have helped me gain many insights.
TARIQ; I am feeling positive and powerful. I got power from Allah by attending this workshop. Now, I am on a truthful journey and I could feel a great change in myself. Be a person who could live happily in whatever circumstances around me and let people live happily. Learnt to see and treat people as human beings and not as objects. I will master and live this attitude throughout my life and will imbibe the same to the whole of humanity.
HEDAYATH: it is an eye opener. I learnt the design, tools and maintenance process for being human. The workshop distinguished clearly my internal and external life. Now, I have a mission to achieve success in this world and in the hereafter. Quran is the reality, and I have to get the message which Allah wants to communicate to us to achieve success (akhirah). The physical activities and the exercises have been unique in focusing and releasing stress. These training workshops should also be planned in other states.
(The next “Discover Yourself”- Train the Trainer Workshop will be held between December 23-30, 2014.
Those who are interested to participate, please email at:
[email protected]