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Hamdard Scholarships

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New Delhi: The Hamdard Education Society has invited applications for a limited number of scholarship for Muslim students in PUC, Degree and Post Graduate courses. In a press release, it said the society would offer monthly scholarships to students worth Rs. 550 for PUC, Rs. 800 to degree, Rs. 1,000 to post graduate and Rs. 1,000 to those pursuing research (Ph.D.). Application forms can be downloaded from www.hamdardedufcationsociety.org, www.hamdardstudycircle.org and www.hamdardcoashingcentre.org. Students can also get form by writing to Secretary, Hamdard Education Soicety, Taleemabad, Sangam vihar, New Delhi-110062. Filled up application forms should be received in Delhi office by 15th September, 2012. Some students will be offered book grants too, the press note said.
The Society said it has so far offered scholarships to nearly 510 students since the programme began in 1986. The candidates who have scored 80 % in matriculation (SSLC) level, 75% in PUC level and 70% at degree level will be eligible to apply for the Hamdard scholarships, the press note informed.