Raichur Based Sunni family seeking suitable groom for their daughter aged 26 years 1998 born, M.Tech, Working in Red Bus company as Software Engno (SDET), with fair complexion, 5.1 height, religious, Simple from decent and respectable family, is looking for a Kind and well qualified groom, should be from or working in Bangalore as software Engnr (Developer, SDET etc) Contact on: 9449311786, 9449311844
Bangalore based Sunni Muslim Parents invite alliance for their Daughter,32 years, 5’3, Chartered Accountant/Medical transcription Seeking alliance from well educated family Preferably from Bangalore. Contact:- 8310264205 (WhatsApp) 8217562719
Bangalore based Sunni Muslim parents invites alliance for their daughter, 27 years, MBA(Assistant Manager). Seeking alliance from well-educated family (Working in Bangalore) Contact – 89519 48440/8217562719
Parent looking for match. SM girl post graduate doing part time job Fair good looking 5′ 1″ Taken Khula short marriage no issues. Own house Boy must be Bangalore settled graduate working between 41 and 45 divorcee/widower whats app 8792840531
Muslim Girl of Affluent family in Bangalore , Born 1996/5’3/MD Radiodiagnosis is Looking for a suitable doctor match MD/MS/ or higher (allopathic) residing in Bangalore. Kindly contact : 9591651587
Bangalore based Sunni Muslim Parents Invite alliance for their daughter, 35yrs . M.Tech , 5 feet, Working as Technical Lead (software) in an MNC (At Bangalore) , Looking for well Qualified software background groom contact :9916082774