
Talking Interfaith Relations in the Hills

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Coonoor: The Henry Martyn Institute, International Centre for Research, Interfaith Relations and Reconciliation (HMI),based in Hyderabad, organized its 42nd Summer Course on Interfaith Relations from May 4 to 14,2015, at St Theodore’s Sanatorium, in The Nilgiris, Coonoor. HMI is an ecumenical Christian organisation, dedicated to the objective study and teaching of religions, the promotion of interfaith relations and reconciliation. Since its founding in 1930, HMI has established a long record of teaching and research, with an ever-widening circle of research scholars from both within the country and abroad who use the Institute’s facilities for Master’s, Doctoral and Post-Doctoral research. Over 56 participants from all over India gathered to discuss, how can we share our values in such a way that the true messages of our different faiths benefit people from other religious traditions. While two participants arrived from Sri Lanka, one was from England. Resource faculty from various faiths guided the discussions, panel talks and group discussions. The HMI had also made arrangements for the participants to take Arabic classes and also separate classes on Islam, while one group focused on inter-faith relations. The main assertion of this interaction is that interfaith dialogue can be used as an effective tool to advance peace-building around the world. Pastors, students of theology, writers and researchers from across India came together to discuss how important it was to understand each other’s faiths to live in peace as human beings.
For more details, get in touch with Sribala, Programme Co-ordinator, Henry Martyn Institute: International Centre for Research, Interfaith Relations and Reconciliation, 6-3-128/1, Beside National Police Academy, Shivarampally, Hyderabad-500 052. Email: [email protected]