France Implements Ban on Foreign-Funded  Imams in Counter terrorism Move

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France Implements Ban on Foreign-Funded Imams in Counter terrorism Move

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French Interior Minister Darmanin has announced a ban on approximately 300 foreign imams, primarily from Algeria, Turkey, and Morocco, funded from abroad, from entering France. This policy, aligned with President Macron’s 2020 measures to counter radical Islamist extremism, seeks to promote locally trained imams while curbing foreign influence and funding. Existing foreign imams are required to transition to being paid by French Muslim associations, with an exception for the ‘imams of Ramadan’ group. The move is part of broader efforts to address radicalization challenges, including securing agreement on a charter of principles for Islam in France and handling tensions around closing radical mosques. The deportation of foreign radical imams, such as Hassan Iquioussen, underscores the delicate balance France navigates between free speech, secularism, and counterterrorism efforts.