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Al-Ghazali International School Inaugurated in Araria

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The Al-Ghazali International School was inaugurated at Karbala Maidan, the heart of Araria city of Bihar on March 14, 2019. The program was presided over by Maulana Tauqir Ahmad Qasmi, head
of department of English Language and Literature, Darul Uloom Deoband. Explaining the aims and objectives of the school, chairman, ShahjahanNadvi said: Al-Ghazali International School has prepared its own syllabus which comprises both religious and contemporary sciences. This syllabus will enable the students to either attend madrasa or deeni maktab for acquiring religious knowledge. The school has also the Tahfeezul Qur’an program for the intelligent and eligible students in the second shift. Highlighting the underlying concept of the school, he said: ‘The school aims at providing doctors, engineers, bureaucrats and professors to the nation with the holy Qur’an in their hearts so that they can play a positive and constructive role in nation and community building. Emphasizing on girls education, principal of the school, TasneemKausar said: ‘If there is no balance in male and female education in a society, it cannot be said to be a developed society. It is essential to pay equal attention to education of girls, so that our society becomes truly developed’.
(Extracted from twocircles.net)