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Amar Nath awarded PhD in Urdu

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Hyderabad: Mr. Amar Nath, S/o Mr. Hira Lal, has been awarded a Doctor of Philosophy in Urdu by Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU). Under the guidance of Prof. Mohd. Naseemuddin Farees worked on the project “Azadi ke Ba’ad Dehli Mein Urdu Afsanay ka Tanqeedi Tajzia” (A Critical Analysis of Urdu Fiction in Delhi after Independence). On February 9, 2022, he had his Viva-Voce.

Mr. Amar Nath graduated from MANUU with an MA in Urdu and a Diploma in Persian. He also passed the UGC-NET in Urdu and completed a certificate programme in Urdu at the Urdu Academy in Delhi and diploma and advanced diploma programmes in Urdu at Delhi University. He has given eight papers at national and international conferences, and four of his articles have been published in UGC Care-recommended journals.