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Centre for Quranic Studies at AMU

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Professor K. A. Nizami Centre for Quranic Studies will be inaugurated at the Aligarh Muslim University by vice-president, Hamid Ansari. The Centre for Quranic Studies has been named after late Prof. Khaliq Ahmad Nizami (1925- 1997), who was associated with AMU for nearly half a century. He was a prolific scholar who wrote over 50 books covering various aspects of Indo-Muslim history. Prof.  Ahtisham A. Nizami, Director of the Centre said that Abdul Aziz Umar, Minister of Education, Brunei, had laid the foundation stone
of the Centre at AMU on July  21, 1999. He said that the building of the Centre, designed by Prof. Abdul Wahid Al-Wakil, has been completed at a cost of Rs. 2.5 crores.